Reaching E-Quality Employment Services (REES) was founded as the result of an amalgamation of two community organizations: E-Quality Employment and Reaching Out. These grass roots organizations laid a strong foundation for the work we do as we continue our legacy as a leader in the field.
In 1989, REES became a registered charitable/non-profit organization with the mission to assist people with physical disabilities and/or health conditions connect with employment.
REES developed a presence in the disability community through participation in community events, committees, town hall meetings, and involvement with related community groups and initiatives. REES continues to provide high-quality services to our clients, employers, and community.
Dedicated to educating employers about meaningfully and deliberately supporting the recruitment of a workforce that is inclusive, representative of the population that it serves, has led REES to placing thousands of people with physical disabilities and/or health conditions in all sectors of employment.
Mission: “To promote, facilitate and maintain the employment of people with physical disabilities and/or health conditions by providing diverse and customized employment, training, and consultation services.”
Our service model begins with outreach. The key to our success is through the people we work with and successfully assist to move toward their employment goals. Our efforts to reach out to those who could benefit from our services is key to continued success. If you, or someone you know, may be a candidate for REES Services, connect with us!
Services include one-on-one employment counselling, workshops, resumes/cover letters, accessing the hidden job market, understanding, and communicating accommodation, mock interviews, and direct employment referrals. Some projects offer work experience, work assessment, and hiring incentive programs for clients who qualify. This approach allows multiple options to assist people to achieve their goals.
REES will assist individuals who may require workplace accommodation, large or small, through conversations with the employer. In most instances, the cost to the employer is small. This can be an effective outcome of creative thinking/planning, often resulting in an effective and productive, reliable employment match.
It is important to note that not all disabilities are visible. Many clients come with visible disabilities; however, many connect for assistance after acquiring an illness or disability. This could include diabetes, Crohn’s/colitis, deteriorating/low vision, hearing loss, back injuries, effects from long-covid or a stroke, and more. Anyone can acquire a disability or illness throughout life, and REES can assist people through this transition. Many clients who work for long periods of time in their chosen careers will connect with REES because they are no longer continue in that role due to a newly acquired disability or illness. The work we do is crucial to our community, and why we continually reach out to encourage people to contact REES for assistance.
Many of the REES team (board/staff) have been associated with REES for a long time, because of our commitment to diversity and inclusion. Our organization has faced many challenges along the way, but we continue to be creative in our resolve to stay relevant and equipped to do the important work we do.
If you would like more information about REES Services, visit, or via Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.