Our Partners

Funding provided by:

The Government of Canada

The United Way of Winnipeg

The Winnipeg Foundation


REES would like to thank the 2019 Spirit Week Fundraiser / 30th Anniversary Celebration Event Sponsor, Workers Compensation Board for your generous donation.

REES would like to thank the 2019 Spirit Week sponsor, MYPD Chartered Professional Accountants

REES would like to thank the 2019 Spirit Week sponsor, Ranch Assest Management.

REES would like to thank the 2019 Spirit Week sponsor, Truity Financial.

REES would like to thank the 2019 Spirit Week sponsor, W.P.G. The Wealth Planning Group

REES would like to acknowledge and thank Roberto Sinopoli (Owner) of Verde Salon, for providing our program clients with free hairstyling so that they can attend job interviews with confidence.

Verde Salon is located at 220-400 North Town Road, Winnipeg R3Y 0Y3.

Employer Partners